Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Weasel Dissection - Obama/Biden - Part One

Aside from the fact that one should never dally with Weasels in the Axis, it is especially important to see that certain weasels are not voted into office. The Weasels in this particular case are the simpering Obama/Biden delirious duo.

Here is just one of many reasons to vote against the Obama/Biden ticket: Joe Biden.

Joe Biden. If you're even a little unclear why Joe should never make it into the White House, have a peek at Michelle Malkin's post entitled "The increasingly erratic, super-gaffetastic Joe Biden." It's a doozy.

Imagine, just for a minute, what would happen if the Obama/Biden ticket were elected and Sen. Obama (as President) suffered an unfortunate fatality. Goofy, moronic Joe Biden would become President of the United States. (And the liberals fuss about Sarah Palin. At least she's not a complete idiot.)

We are examining (with airsickness bags at the ready) the Joe Biden who said “Mark my words. It will not be six months [after the inauguration] before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy.” Later he told followers to brace for the worst and “gird your loins.”

Gird your loins? Who talks like that? Actors who portray characters from the dawn of Christianity, or the Dark Ages, or the French/British wars. Gird your loins?? (Is this the greatest theater of the absurd, or what?)

"Say it ain't so" Joe's obvious mastery of the inane has helped to ensure that I will not be one of the frenetic loin-girders who are helping Sen. Obama's effort to steal ... err, sorry ... I meant to say get elected to a 4-year trip to the Oval Office.

Another Joe Biden SNAFU: "[Sen. McCain's] last-minute economic plan does nothing to tackle the number one job facing the middle class, and it happens to be, as Barack says, a three-letter word: jobs. J-O-B-S.”

Oooookay. The-man-who-might-be-President struggles to count past three. Some aboriginal tribes used the counting system of "One, two, three ... many." It looks like Joe Biden has been taking some aboriginal lessons in primitive counting systems. How very progressive, Joe.

J-O-B .... many. *Sigh.*

Michelle Malkin did an outstanding job of lancing Joe Biden's loins, which are seriously lacking in the girding department. Read her post. It is illuminating indeed to see the amazing depths our National Weasels will dive to just to prove they are utterly and irrevocably clueless.

Hey fellas! The United States stands for, and its people require, Freedom!

Give me liberty, or give me death, but for crying out loud don't give me Obama/Biden. I have no desire to live in a land where the Theater of the Two Fascist Stooges is played every. single. day. in the highest offices of the United States of America.

They could get elected and take over the White House.

Gird your loins.

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