Thursday, October 16, 2008

Obama or McCain? Who Cares?

If you've been following the presidential campaigns (and if not, you probably live on one of the deflowered Virgin Islands), you may have observed the polarization of citizens who have chosen either the Obama-Biden ticket or the McCain-Palin. This is a natural occurrence in any presidential campaign. However, the level of animosity between the two camps is decidedly unnatural.

I look at this and wonder why? Republican or Democrat, it makes no difference. No matter which ticket is elected, your wallet, your liberty, and your rights will be deep-fat-fried in heart-stopping cholesterolic laws and regulations. Either ticket will run ... err, ruin ... the country.

More than it's already ruined. If that's possible. I mean, we're looking at the ruination of ruins.

Both candidates stand for some flavor of rancid collectivism: McCain-Palin for self-sacrifice and Socialism, or Obama-Biden for self-sacrifice and Marxism. The only difference between the two flavors is:
  1. "Rancid Vanilla." Americans will be expected to self-sacrifice for "the good of others," and laws will be passed to enforce voluntary self-sacrifice. (Think about what I just said there.) Taxes will be increased to ensure social programs are well-funded. Your money will go to other people and your wallet will scream. Unproductive people will be funded by those who are productive. This choice is Socialism. Welcome to the McCain-Palin ticket.
  2. "Rancid Strawberry." Americans can expect the fruit of their labors - their money - to be confiscated while businesses are nationalized. Americans will not be expected to sacrifice - they will be forced to sacrifice. Taxes will be increased to ensure the remaining wealth of America is spread thinly across this continent and others. (Ask Joe the plumber.) Your money will go to other people and your wallet will scream. Once again, unproductive people will be funded by those who are productive. This choice is Marxism. Welcome to the Obama-Biden ticket.
Which flavor would you choose? Which ticket would you like to get from the Congressional Policeman? The Socialist ticket, or the Marxist ticket? Fees are high. Get ready to pony up.

Either way, Election '08 means We're Screwed '08.

BOHICA!! (Bend Over, Here It Comes Again.)

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